Friday, December 6, 2013

The Big "5" year Anniversary

5 years!!!!! Can it really be our 5 year anniversary today?! In some ways it feels like more than 5 years ago since we vowed to spend the rest of our days together, in other ways I don't even know how these 5 years have already passed us by!
A couple days ago, Dave and I were up doing our morning routines and we happened to be brushing our teeth together. I had a hot pink barbie tooth brush that was somewhat normal size while he was rocking a hot pink Dora the explorer toddler tooth brush…you know the ones where the bristle is literally the size of one tooth ;) You see, our youngest Lilly who is a year and a half has an obsession with "chhhh" aka toothbrushes. aka brushing her teeth. She often puts them in places I can never find. A few times I've found them in the basement while a guest was over. The guest asks "is that a toothbrush?" I laugh, "Yeah, its probably an old one." But really I'm thinking, "That little stinker took my toothbrush to the playroom!!" So Dave and I are brushing our teeth, I chuckle to myself with toothpaste all over my mouth, spit, and ask "Did you picture life to be like this 5 years ago?" He laughed really hard and said "No."
So here we are! 5 years later, blessed with two little girls and one little peanut on the way. It's hard to believe that out of the 5 anniversaries we have had, 3 of them I have been pregnant in my first trimester. Woo! If you are blessed with amazing pregnancies, seriously you are BLESSED!!!!!!! But our marriage has survived yet another first trimester, and for those of you who have experienced the wrath of first trimester, aka puking 24/7 (There is no such thing as morning sickness- it is all day in my case), 0 energy to where laundry has literally piled up and you are starring at 10 loads of clean laundry wondering if you can even fold a pair of socks, you fall asleep at 8 pm because you are putting your children asleep and you can't seem to wake yourself back up, the emotional roller coaster of wanting to cry because you thought you ran out of soy sauce when you made chicken fried rice, and lets be honest…you can't have chicken fried rice without soy sauce ;)
I'd say that we have figured out that marriage is no walk in the park. It is difficult, painful, beautiful, wonderful all at the same time. But really that's just life. These 5 years have been the best and the worst 5 years of my life…I can't tell you how amazing it is to be married, I can't even begin to describe how beautiful it was to give birth to two little girls…but even more so to be a family and have nights of pillow fights, bath time, reading books, watching movies, kitchen dance parties, late night ice cream drives to keep our sanity, the wonderful rare nights of both the girls asleep before 7:30! Life can be beautiful! But life can also be painful….losing loved ones to tragic deaths, freak accidents, or just life. Offense in relationships- holy cow! If you haven't figured out that in life, people are going to offend you…and most of the time it is not intentional. In sickness and in health…..yeah there has been a lot of sickness in our family…those aren't pretty days/nights especially the 24 hour flu bug that has visited our home a couple times! The sense that you really cannot control life or your children. With my two year old almost drowning last summer and my sweet lilly getting whooping cough last fall….those are moments that will either make or break you.
You know the term, when it rains- it pours! That was definitely my life last year. It was just one thing after another. Dealing with the reality that my dad has decided to leave our family after 30 years for someone who represents everything He is not…has been…the worst thing I have ever lived through. I wonder when I'm ever going to "get over it" but each day is different. Some days I'm totally ok. Other days I am broken, devastated, emotional, and would give anything to have my family be whole for just one more day and have a family brunch with all the chaos of 4 children running round and round through the kitchen, the living room, the foyer and the dining room--toys starting in one room but finding ways to all the others. The boys joking and laughing so loud the house shakes. My mom and sisters sitting in our pjs on the couch deciding what we are going to do for the day.. I've never known what a broken family is like, because my whole life family has been wonderful, always there for each other. Our family was never perfect, but we did everything together. I know that God is doing something…many things…through all of this, but I can honestly say that even though it has been the worst thing, it has shown me an entirely new side of my husband David. I know that there is not a single person in the world that could have walked beside me this year especially and have encouraged me in ways that are so God breathed, Holy Spirit inspired, and covered in love…David…you have loved me so well. In the good times, but especially through the bad times--the horrible times. You have been a rock. A constant. Your faith challenges me, inspires me, and moves me. There are two things that you have said to me this past year that constantly run through my mind. "God gives us what we need, when we need it." And "God does a million things, through one thing". You are incredible David Holland…And there is no way I could have gone through these years without you by my side.
But that's what marriage is…walking through life together. It's not easy, but God truly does give us what we need when we need it. When one of us is weak the other is strong. When both of us our weak the Lord is stronger. We've argued more than once--ok a lot more than once, but I know that I love you more today than I did when I promised to spend the rest of my life with you.
Happy anniversary to my love, my best friend, my encourager…I love you!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Don't sit on your gifts and talents...They aren't for you, they are for everyone else, to glorify Christ.

Wow. God is so good. You know those times in Your life when He speaks and it's a hard word yet so encouraging- Where grace and truth collide perfectly and it causes you to move and do something. That happened to me last night. I had the opportunity to meet Matt Redman at a private dinner before his night of worship at Life church. I was so humbled and so encouraged to talk to so many different worship leaders in the area. He came and introduced himself to David and I, and he asked if we were songwriters as well as worship leaders. I said that I had led a few of my songs for worship services, but not really. Ever since I have had the girls, writing has been few and far between. It's difficult to concentrate on something with constant interruption-So my excuse was to simply not do it, or not do it often.
But the Lord spoke to me so clearly last night during worship about gifts and talents. He has given me a gift to write music and to lead worship. And he didn't give it to me to boast in or be prideful. He gave it to me so that I could give it to you, so that He would be glorified. So really when I am sitting on this huge gift that He has given to me, I am being disobedient because as long as it stays inside me, He can't receive the glory. This past year has by far been the most difficult and painful year of my life. There are things I don't understand, but I know that God writes some of the most amazing songs through me when I go through difficult times. And I know that He will begin to heal me when I operate in the giftings that He has given to me. But they aren't just meant for me. They are meant for His glory. So I want to share this song that I wrote this morning with anyone who reads this to encourage you.

Yet You Hold Me

Vs. 1
How long must I wait
I hear You speak just be still
But I'm growing tired and weary
and I can't find this peace You give
So I wait

And You breathe life into me
When I rest, I find Your peace
And I know You hold it all
Yet You hold me
What is life, without Your name
What is truth, without Your grace
This I know, You hold it all
Yet You hold me

Vs. 2
This pain that's deep inside my soul
That ache in me I can't let go
But as I surrender and lay it
down at Your feet, You give me peace
And so I wait


And You breathe life into me
When I rest, I find Your peace
And I know You hold it all
Yet You hold me
What is life, without Your name
What is truth, without Your grace
This I know, You hold it all
Yet You hold me

So I keep singing, I keep praising
I'm not letting You go
When my world is crashing, I fix my eyes on You
And You alone

Thursday, May 2, 2013

1 Year Ago ...

I cannot believe my Lilly Grace will be 1 year tomorrow! It is incredible how time flies by. At this moment last year we had the O'dells over for dinner and were just hanging out like we typically do. I was super pregnant, and Raina gave me the crazy idea to take castor oil. So we looked online and found a "midwife recipe" cup of orange juice, 2 tablespoons of castor oil, and a tsp of baking soda. I gag the drink down wait for 45 minutes and nothing...I then spend the next 15 minutes in the bathroom ;) Well nothing else was happening so the O'dells go home and I am thinking to myself-what a waste to drink that nasty stuff. Well I start to have a few contractions. Nothing big, but they were consistent. It was about 10:30 pm and I decided to pack a bag just in case anything happened. Well we are getting ready for bed and I am still having them, I told Dave we aren't going to the hospital until I know that I know I am in labor--After having a couple false alarms with my first pregnancy I was not about to look like an idiot after going through the birthing experience before! Ha! So I try to go to sleep, and about 11:30 I realize these contractions aren't going away and they are getting stronger and closer together. I told Dave "Load up Gabby, we need to leave NOW." So as we are driving to the hospital, Dave is driving the speed limit and I seriously feel like she is coming- So I say step on it!! We get to the hospital, and I run in because I knew she was coming and coming fast. We go to the triage room and they track my contractions- They keep me in there for an hour and tell me that my midwife (who delivered Gabby) was not on call that night. I lost her pager number and at this point I am freaking out. One I am full blown in labor- There were no walking the halls to get the contractions going. They finally put me in a room and check to see how far dilated I was- and I was at a 7! The nurse comes in and tells me they paged my midwife and she was on her way.
She gets there and checks me again and I was at a 9. She tells me that I only have a couple more contractions and she wanted me to push. At that moment the only thing that was going through my head was- I'm not ready! My whole life is going to change. I'm going to be responsible for not only a tini tiny newborn, but my 2 year old. I pushed and there she was :) She was the most beautiful baby girl. So tiny with blue eyes and a full head of golden hair. She was perfect. And now here I am a year later writing about her.
She is my miracle baby. It is a miracle that she is alive today. I am so thankful for her. She has the sweetest disposition. For the longest time she was just quiet and reserved. She hardly ever cried as a baby baby. She has grown into herself and can be pretty stubborn--only when it comes to her food. She takes eating very seriously and it is her way or no way ;) She is such a blessing and joy in our lives. I am so honored to be her Momma. So Happy First Birthday to my beautiful Lilly.
9 days

1 month
2 months

3 months4 months

5 months
6 months

7 months

8 months

9 months

10 months
11 months

 1 YEAR!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Picture Perfect? Or Not :)

So I've been thinking a lot about how I sometimes feel the need to appear that I have it all together. I don't know if it's facebook and just seeing glimpses of people's lives or what. But the truth is, our life is extremely messy. My laundry is not always done, and this morning I had no clue what to make my family for breakfast because we had no groceries. HA! Thank goodness I had a box of "Just add water" pancakes and a half a bag of chocolate chips- Bam Chocolate chip pancakes! My girls do not always smile for the camera-well Lilly does if she can see herself in the picture, but Gabby usually runs away yelling no. My usual attire at home is yoga pants, tshirt and sweatshirt. All I can say is Thank You Lord for Yoga Pants--Can I get an amen from some momma's?!

Growing up you have this incredible desire to be accepted and sometimes will do, be, or say anything to achieve that. All for this end goal of meet the love of your life, have the most perfect wedding, and live happily ever after. Or at least that's kind of the idea I had in my head. I didn't really think about all of the logistics that it would take to really "live life". Life takes a lot of time. I so wish Dave never had to work, we had all the money and resources in the world, and my laundry, dishes, cooking, grocery shopping, cleaning did it all by itself. ;) BUT that is completely unrealistic. I have never appreciated my mom more than I do now, because I had NO idea what it took to run a household and raise children. It is the best thing in the world, the biggest sacrifice, and there are days where I think to myself what in the world am I doing? Do I really have a significant purpose of staying home most days and doing all of these things. And the answer is YES! It is a season of life, it won't always be like this and for any young mom that feels alone, and that her main source of communication is 2 year old talk and baby talk-
Enjoy this season. Enjoy them cuddling in your arms to fall asleep.

 Enjoy the butterfly kisses and nose to noses. Enjoy bath time and the first time they learn how to splash and think that water is seriously the coolest thing ever.

 Enjoy watching them learn how to feed themselves even if you know that you are going to have to spend 30 min. cleaning your kitchen after you just scrubbed the floors and put everything in it's place.

Enjoy when they learn how to communicate with you and write down the funny things that they say. Watch what you say--Gabby actually told me yesterday "momma, look at me... don't do that again." I was mortified!!

They take in everything you say, everything you do-You are a HUGE example to them and who they will grow up to be. Take the time to not only love them, feed them, bathe them, ect. but nurture them, teach them, invest into their little lives.

Don't try to control the things you cannot control. Focus on the things you can. It is up to me what kind of wife I want to be, and it is up to me to love my husband, honor him, respect him, appreciate him, and encourage him. And also to make sure that he knows he is my top priority second to the Lord. 

And when you feel like you have to have it all together, you don't. Because in our imperfections and mistakes, Christ teaches us, and the truth is we are always growing and need to grow. There is no such thing as being the perfect couple, or having the perfect family. So relax, enjoy life as it is and try to be more like Christ. Don't get caught up in trying to impress people with how awesome you are. Life is not a competition and if you see it like that, you will lose every time. Life is a gift and it is beautiful if you take the time to see the beauty in every season.