Tuesday, April 19, 2011

10 months going on 2 years...

So I have decided that I am a terrible blogger, and I am just going to have to accept the fact that I don't have the time to get on here every week and update our crazy life. So with that, my baby will be 10 months in 3 days!!!! I cannot believe how fast she is growing up. In the past month she has learned to wave at every person she lays eyes on and clap her hands when she thinks she is doing something awesome (which is usually 98%) of the time.
She has 4 teeth and her hair has gone from bleach blonde, to completely bald, to curly strawberry blonde hair. Where she gets it, I'm not sure. I know I have every color of the rainbow in my hair and David's nephew has red-red hair, so she really could get it from anywhere.
She has Bieber fever....literally. She dances every time "Baby" by Justin Bieber comes on (Thanks to her Aunt Bella's phone).
She thinks she is 2 now thanks to visiting her favorite cousin Preston. They were so adorable together, and I cannot wait till they come home this summer for a whole MONTH!! WOOHOO!!

Life has been crazy these past two years and I really believe God is getting ready to do some amazing things very soon. I feel the stirring in my heart for something new. I have to be honest, I have really struggled with being a mom and being a worshipper. It's really been a rocky road with trying to balance worshipping and playing and writing with feeding, changing diapers, nap times, playing, climbing up stairs, getting into everything. Pastor encouraged me the other day that "children will only enhance your ministry and your life"
For the first time I saw my daughter as that last Wednesday as I was preparing the worship set. I handed her a microphone to "play with" while I was just worshipping and she starts singing in the mic! I mean keep in mind she only sings one note that's not in the key I was playing, but I looked at her and saw not just a baby girl but a worshipper who has the joy of the Lord in her heart. She kept singing and as I looked at her she got the biggest grin and just laughed and continued singing. Her joy is seriously inspiring. I could be having the worst day and I hear her laugh and it completely changes everything. Her smile lights up a room.

Waving at the camera

Playing at Jumping Jacks

She had to do EVERYTHING he did "hence going on 2"

He likes her quite a bit now.

clapping for herself because she is standing all by herself!!! 

Playing with her shoe that she never wants to wear lol

Random: So I think that every city, town, county, should have a fake police man. It took us 6 times to drive past this dude to realize he was a mannequin lol.

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