Tuesday, December 6, 2011

3 years in and a lifetime to go

So today David and I are celebrating 3 years of marriage. It has been such a journey, and we've only just begun! Today I am reminded of just how good God is to me. I am so glad we chose to be married in December because I can't help but get excited about Christmas and I received the best Christmas present five years ago...David, my promise :) he had come to Kansas over his Christmas break to visit "Josh". I'm still convinced he came to secretly spend time with me ;)
In that few days we talked a lot about Jesus, and a lot about how we want to serve the Lord in whatever capacity he would have us. It was the first time I felt like someone understood me and saw me not as someone who plays music or a piano player or singer, but he saw me as a worshipper. And the Lord spoke very clearly to me that David was going to be my husband. You may say yeah, yeah. How could you possibly know that. Believe me I thought I was making up thoughts in my head and then got super insecure and thought how could he possibly see me in that way. I was only 18 and he was 4 years older than me, I hardly even knew him. I told my mom and sisters and they kind of laughed at me. But what we didn't know was that God had been speaking the exact thing to David and he was sharing it with Josh. Well he left gave me a hug and I felt more love in that hug than anything I had ever felt. That night was our Christmas eve service, and on the way he called me and told me that he didn't know what the Lord ha spoken to me, but he wanted a chance to love me and that he was going to wait for me. And I knew that he was my promise from the Lord. I had just gotten out of a serious relationship that the Lord asked me to give up and I really struggled with it, but knew in my heart I couldn't just marry anyone, I needed a ministry partner who not only understood my calling but completed me. I could not have picked a better person for myself than David. He is everything I've ever wanted in a husband and even more. And from there our story began, and this day is a constant reminder that God is a man of his word. If He says it, he WILL do it.

To my love, and best friend...thank you for being my encourager. You saw me at my worst and loved me. I really can't imagine sharing this life with any other person on this planet. You challenge me, love me so well, provide for our family even when I know you're not passionate about selling VZW cell phones ;), but most of all you make me want to be like Jesus. God has grown you so much these past 3 years and it is only the beginning. He gave us each other for a purpose and even though we can't see it right this second I know he is only preparing us for something great! Thank you for giving me our daughter. She is the greatest blessing, and I know this little miracle growing in me will be as well. Thank you for praying over our children and me. Thank you for being the priest in our home and leading us so well. I love you today and forever.

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