Tuesday, December 20, 2011

It's the Holiday Season...

It is only a few days before Christmas!! I recently discovered pinterest, and I got to say.....I'm obsessed. This could seriously be dangerous for numerous reasons. The first it is easy to spend 2 hours looking at it without even realizing it. Second there are ALL kinds of yummy recipes on there-some specifically "low cal" but my eye seems to pick up on all the gooey mouth watering desserts.

I made my first yesterday....a cinnamon roll cake. And I have to say it tastes as wonderful as it looks!
After the holidays we are turning our guest bedroom into Gabby's new room. And thanks to pinterest I have ALL kinds of ideas to make it absolutely perfect for her. I can't wait to get started!

So my baby will be a year and a half on Thursday! Where has the time gone?! I found a video of her this time last year that almost broke my heart. She was SO little and just starting to sit up for as long as she wanted with no support.
And now she is totally miss independent. She is starting to repeat almost anything you ask her to say. She recognizes familiar people and now it's a game to get on facebook and name people in the pictures. I'm afraid we are starting the terrible twos early. Discipline has become a regular daily routine in our house.  But I think my favorite thing that she does is sing to songs and dance to music. Thanks to Gnomeo and Juliet we have learned a new little jig. With Tangled it was spinning around in circles and tip toeing in circles. Now we like to shake our hips and our booty, twist all the way down and shimmy our shoulders. NO I did not teach her this, but wow. It is hilarious to watch!

Lastly, we finally had our first family picture of the 4 of us!! And I am EXCITED to say Gabby is going to have a baby sister! I got to say going into the sonogram I was a little anxious about everything. Dave and I have already decided 2 is our number...I totally used to be that teenager that said, "Oh, I want at least 4 kids--maybe 5" Um. Not so much. I am so thankful that it has been effortless for David and I to conceive, but 2 is plenty for me. I don't think I want to go through 1st trimester ever again. So with that I was excited if it were a boy because we are the last to be able to carry on the Holland name. And I LOVED our boy name. It would have been Cohen in honor of my family since our family name unfortunately stopped with my sisters and I.  On the other hand, I grew up with sisters and so wanted Gabby to have that. Sure you can have girlfriends, but there is nothing like having a sister. They always have your back and they are your constant best friend. Sure you fight, are sometimes a little too honest with each other, argue about stupid things, say hateful things that you don't actually mean, but I would not trade either one of my sisters for anything in this world.
I desperately wanted Gabby to have a sister deep down, and not to mention we have everything girl! And Gabby's clothes will be the same season! CAN'T WAIT to reuse all of her clothes and some that didn't even get worn.

With having two girls, there is one thing I simply cannot afford. Hair bows! AH! They are my weakness. So hear me now blogspot, I am vowing to "try" and make my own. Maybe I won't sell them, but I want to start making them because I really don't think they are as difficult as some look. So that is one little craft I am looking forward to learning.

With that Merry Christmas everyone!! Enjoy your family, but most of all let's celebrate Jesus' birthday!! We are baking a birthday cake for Jesus- this was a tradition my mom always did with us girls and I can't wait to start this with my girls.

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