Friday, February 11, 2011

The Hope of Glory

As I was sitting here putting my daughter to sleep I was reading Colossians 1 and something really struck me that I think is worth sharing. Read the entire chapter it's so good. 

"the mystery that has been kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the saints.
To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."

The mystery is simply Christ IN us. To many of us think that WE are sharing Christ with OUR lives when, it's simply Christ revealing Himself through us. It's time for us believers to allow Him to do that. He's coming back for a purified bride, and I'm sad to say that most of us are not ready for Him. 

If you do not believe in God or pronounce yourself a "Christian" I just want to say I am sorry if you have gotten a distorted and twisted view of Christians--people who say they are something, but act completely different. It's not about being a "good" person. It's simply admitting to God that we are wicked, sinful, and lost with out Him, and we need Him in us so that we can be seen as righteous before the Almighty God on judgement day. However, Jesus Christ is GOOD and if His spirit is truly in us we will talk like he talks, act like he acts, and live like he lives. 

To my fellow believers. Either be for Christ or don't be. Please don't ruin my witness and testimony with your wishy-washy life. God cannot stand a lukewarm believer--in fact He would actually rather you be against Him than sometimes for Him/somtimes against Him. God CANNOT be mocked. Just like a farmer reaps what he sows, you will reap what you sow with your life. 

Revelation 3:15-16 "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."
Galations 6:7 "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows."

I just was so moved by this one thing that I have known and read so many times--but see that people are simply missing it--I had to share. 

On a lighter note, Gabby is growing soo fast!! She will be 8 months in 11 days...I cannot believe it. To catch you up she is saying Da da, MA MA YEAHHHH :), Na Na, Pa Pa, La La (I think this is Bella--we've been rehearsing names and this is what came out when we said her name) Tara is still Da da lol--so is Josh and P. 
She ate lasagna for the first time Wednesday night and acts like she is eating something sour like a lemon. Her face is seriously priceless.
She's still crawling backwards and rolling to places-but she is everywhere!! Her favorite movie is "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs" I seriously watch this movie between 3-5 DAILY. I know every word and have seen every hidden humorous moment.

She is already in 12 mo. clothes. And those are actually 18 mo--crazy. I know.

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