Thursday, January 6, 2011

Baby #2 Scare

Have you ever had one of those moments where you convinced yourself that you were pregnant? No I am not talking about the "I feel tired and bloated". I am talking about the "I have been through this before."

So it was just 3 days before we are about to leave for our trip to Washington and I am feeling nauseated, extreme fatigue, crampy stomach. Trying to keep myself from going there I tell myself that it was just something that I ate. I pick up David from work, he thinks I am being dramatic as I am reclined in the drivers seat waiting for him to come out. As we start to head home it hits me....PULL OVER!! As I am puking my guts out in front of everyone at a gas station I slowly lean up and start crying hysterically, "I am totally pregnant."

Not to go into all of the detail of how many times we pulled over (3 ahem.) We stop to pick up a test as David is reassuring me that it's not the end of the world if we are expecting again. Ha--easy from him to say. He has never been through 1st trimester before or have the luxury of being a stay at home mommy either, not to mention both of them together?!

After a night of throwing up every half hour till 4 am I took my test and it was.......Negative- Praise the Lord, Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus!!!!!

I have half way seriously joked about wanting to have another baby, but after that night I know without a doubt I am not ready to go through that again for awhile. A long while.

So thanks to me, my husband was sick the morning after I was sick, and now my mom and Kelsey have it....all the day before we fly to Seattle tomorrow. Perfect timing. I'm just praying my baby girl doesn't get this awful stuff. Well that is all for today. Can't wait to blog about our trip to Washington!!!!! And of course post pictures of my favorite most adorable nephew in the world.


  1. You are so funny! You forgot the part where you called me crying your eyes out! lol

    I can't believe everyone has been/is sick!! Can't wait to see you TOMORROOOOW!!!

  2. Oh yeah!! LOL As you tell Josh when I told you not to tell anyone. TOMORROW WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!

  3. Glad you are feeling better. I HATE throwing up! That bug is going around really bad here too. Thankfully, its skipped our household!

    Praying Gabby doesnt get it. Having a sick child is the worst.

    Have a fun & safe trip! Take lots of pictures!!!
