Saturday, January 8, 2011

MMM It's always better when we're together :)

WOW. What a trip already. Flight was great--Gabby did amazing! We started off to a bumpy and cranky (on my part) start in Washington. We arrived, got our checked bags, and headed to the car rentals. Mom and Dad get theirs and ours just had to be the slow/system down car rental. As we are walking out to the elevator to go to our car I'm going over my check list of what we need to do. 1.) Put the car seat base in the car....Wait...where is the base?! Sheer panic sets in as I run to the baggage claim. And it's not there. I ask a man if he knows where it would be taken and naturally our airline's booth was closed so he says it may have been taken upstairs to unclaimed baggage. Time out. This is not this airport is HUGE!!! Very easy to get lost in, you have to take those tram things to get across the airport for certain things. I'm almost in tears because it's an hour past Gabby's feeding time and I just want to go see Tara, Josh, and Pres.

I call my mom to tell her what we are about to do and she replies, "Oh I have it honey." Thanks mom for the heads up. I mean I guess I should have seen it in her hands the 20 minutes we were waiting by the car rental check ins, but it obviously did not register with me. So we get out to the car. I am completely frustrated, David is completely frustrated, and he lets me know that the car rental cost $400 for 5 days. WHAT?!!!
Somehow in the pure chaos of the moment the lady slipped in extra charges and car insurance which we already had. Sigh. I'm not sure why this kind of stuff ALWAYS happens to us, but it does.

Well we made it finally! And it has been soo wonderful to all be together again. Pres ADORES Gabby. He constantly wants to hold her and grab her hand and take her to show her everything. He says "He you go Gabby" as he hands her all of his "friends" (stuffed animals--mickey, minnie, elmo, cookie monster, frosty, rudolph, belly buzzer, and several more lol) and then he says "She yikes it!"
Oh how I love this little boy!!!!

The girls FINALLY together again! :)

Seeing and playing with each other again when we got there :)

He still wants to hold her lol

They love to kiss each other lol!!

So happy!!!

 Traditional Matching Christmas PJ's. Yes Gabby had to have a pair too. It's actually quite a funny story how we found them. We went to Old Navy hoping to find matching Pj's for all of us since they have an adult and baby section to the store. Well it was a fail, so we decided to pick out the black polka dot ones and pink shirts since we liked them the best. We went across the street to Carters to try to find a cute hott pink footy pajama for Gabs, I went to the back and found those jammies!! I couldn't believe it! They have a poodle on the front which I'm not fond of but they still match pretty well considering :)

Church tomorrow! I'll post more later :)

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